4 Easy To Grow Fruit and Vegetables.

4 Easy To Grow Fruit and Vegetables.

I am one of the LEAST green-fingered people ever. We have tried growing fruits and vegetables every year, for the last 4 years. This year was, by far, our most/only successful year! We thought we would share with you what we have found to be the easiest to grow, and some of our mistakes that [...]

National Trust’s Hare Hill

National Trust’s Hare Hill

We have been members of the National Trust for a few years now, and we really enjoy going around visiting and exploring the different properties. You may have seen some of our posts on other National Trust places - Biddulph Grange Gardens, Kedlestone Hall, Chirk Castle, Charlcote Park and Shugborough Hall. Recently (before lockdown!) we [...]

5 Sunny Day Garden Activities for Kids!

5 Sunny Day Garden Activities for Kids!

The weather here in England is finally starting to heat up and be a little drier! Here are some fun, cheap and easy ideas for garden activities for kids. Water Painting This is a great activity for all ages! All you need is a pot of water, a paintbrush and an area to paint on! [...]

2 Easy Owl Crafts for kids

2 Easy Owl Crafts for kids

Freckled Face number 3 has been learning about owls at school recently, so this weekend we decided to make some owls and go over things we know about them. The kids want to share with you what they did, so here they are! Conker Owls This can get a little tricky for the younger children, [...]