9 Fun Spooktacular Ideas for Halloween

9 Fun Spooktacular Ideas for Halloween

Halloween - you either love it or hate it....or not really bothered either way!? I, personally, quite like having a bit of fun with the kids. We keep it a bit of fun, nothing too scary - I'm too much of a wuss! Here are some fun things we've enjoyed doing for Halloween. MONSTER CROISSANTS [...]

4 Easy To Grow Fruit and Vegetables.

4 Easy To Grow Fruit and Vegetables.

I am one of the LEAST green-fingered people ever. We have tried growing fruits and vegetables every year, for the last 4 years. This year was, by far, our most/only successful year! We thought we would share with you what we have found to be the easiest to grow, and some of our mistakes that [...]

Canoeing at Astbury Watersports Centre

Canoeing at Astbury Watersports Centre

Back in the summer we visited Astbury Watersports Centre in Cheshire. We booked a family session online. We had 2 canoes for an hour. When we arrived at Astbury Mere Lake, it was pretty busy with dog walkers and fishermen. The Watersports Centre had a one-way system in place, and they cleaned equipment after use. [...]

Waterworld During COVID-19

We were fortunate enough to be invited to a media event at Waterworld, in Stoke-on-Trent. What a place!! There was something for everyone, and we all really enjoyed our time there. After we parked and got in the queue, we had our temperatures taken before entering the building. Everyone was encouraged to keep 2m apart, [...]

9 Stay at Home Date Night Ideas

9 Stay at Home Date Night Ideas

With or without lockdown sometimes it can be pretty tricky getting out and having some time together, as a couple, just the two of us... It is SO important to have that time though. Here are some ideas for shaking things up a bit and having an evening together at home, full of fun and [...]

10 Fun Activities To Do Around A Fire Pit

10 Fun Activities To Do Around A Fire Pit

We LOVE a Fire Pit! It's one of our favourite things to do. There is something about sitting outdoors, around a fire in the evening and spending time together......it kinda helps me to reset. The only bad thing about is coming in and smelling of smoke! I will put up with it though, as the [...]

Exploring Greenway Bank Country Park

Exploring Greenway Bank Country Park

Since moving house (and towns) last summer, we have been trying to explore different areas close by. One of our new favourite places is Greenway Bank Country Park in Stoke-on-Trent. It is so peaceful and picturesque. Well....as peaceful as it can be when you're visiting with 4 lively kids! It has 2 entrances and car [...]

Here’s What Is Working For Us During Social Distancing. COVID19

Here’s What Is Working For Us During Social Distancing. COVID19

I know some of you may be thinking 'Oh good, another post about the coronavirus!' I totally get that!  However, we wanted to share some of our experiences and the activities we have done so far to help us get through it. You may or may not be looking for ideas, and everyone is different [...]

CONKERS – A Fun Family Day Out!

CONKERS – A Fun Family Day Out!

Last Saturday we were going to stay home and do a bit of work on the house. We moved house last summer and still have no pictures up, have a few items of furniture we need to get.... and we want to finish getting all the rooms complete. However, late Friday night Dave and I [...]

7 Benefits of Baking – for Kids

7 Benefits of Baking – for Kids

Baking with kids is a bit like marmite  - you either love it or hate it! We love baking! ....maybe a bit too much.....that would explain my huge weight gain! All 4 Freckled Faces have always liked being in the kitchen with me - asking question, helping, offloading all their thoughts, etc. Don't get me [...]