How To Make A Volcano!

How To Make A Volcano!

There a few ways to make a volcano. All are fun, but this is super EASY! This was not a planned activity at all, it was a very last minute idea (which is why it doesn't look particularly great!), but it worked well and entertained the kids for a while! You will need A2 Paper [...]

15 Challenges To Set Your Children To Help Them Fight Bordem And Grow In Confidence

15 Challenges To Set Your Children To Help Them Fight Bordem And Grow In Confidence

Our 4 Freckled Faces are all at different ages and abilities, which is making 'Crisis Schooling' a little tricky in these COVID19 Lockdown times. I'm sure this is the case for lots of you too, right? I have been setting them challenges that they can all do to the best of their own abilities, but [...]

Here’s What Is Working For Us During Social Distancing. COVID19

Here’s What Is Working For Us During Social Distancing. COVID19

I know some of you may be thinking 'Oh good, another post about the coronavirus!' I totally get that!  However, we wanted to share some of our experiences and the activities we have done so far to help us get through it. You may or may not be looking for ideas, and everyone is different [...]

7 Benefits of Baking – for Kids

7 Benefits of Baking – for Kids

Baking with kids is a bit like marmite  - you either love it or hate it! We love baking! ....maybe a bit too much.....that would explain my huge weight gain! All 4 Freckled Faces have always liked being in the kitchen with me - asking question, helping, offloading all their thoughts, etc. Don't get me [...]

Math Trees – FREE Printable!

Math Trees – FREE Printable!

When I make activities up for the kids, I try to do the same activity but vary the difficulty for the different abilities.  I don't want to make extra work for myself....but at the same time I don't want to give my kids an easy life - after all, they don't give me one! I [...]

Catalyst Science and Discovery Centre

Catalyst Science and Discovery Centre

We had a great day out at the Catalyst Discovery Centre in Widnes. We had a nightmare time getting there .... and getting back home was far from smooth sailing too! Journeys aside though - we enjoyed our time there. There are lots of interactive scientific areas for all ages. The ground floor was our [...]

Three Discovery Centre

Three Discovery Centre

Did you know that Three offer free learning courses?? I didn't until a few weeks ago! Last Friday Freckled Faces numbers 1 and 2 were invited to take part in a vlogging class with Three Discovery.  This course was aimed at 7-12yr olds. They were keen on learning more and it will hopefully help them [...]

Easy Solar System Craft!

Easy Solar System Craft!

Freckled Face number 3 is learning about Space at school at the moment. She wanted to make something at home to take in to school. So we decided to do something to do with the solar system. Here's what we came up with.... WHAT WE USED 2 sheets of black A4 card Glue Glitter (silver) [...]