How To Make A Volcano!

How To Make A Volcano!

There a few ways to make a volcano. All are fun, but this is super EASY! This was not a planned activity at all, it was a very last minute idea (which is why it doesn't look particularly great!), but it worked well and entertained the kids for a while! You will need A2 Paper [...]

8 Autumn Crafts for Children

8 Autumn Crafts for Children

Autumn is here! All the crispy and colourful leaves..... the fresh chilly air.... it's colder and darker....smell of pumpkins. For me, Autumn is all about the colours, the change in the trees, the change in the air, pumpkins, fireworks (good old Guy Fawkes!), fires and cosy-ness! Whilst getting cosy, and looking forward all the fun [...]

Math Trees – FREE Printable!

Math Trees – FREE Printable!

When I make activities up for the kids, I try to do the same activity but vary the difficulty for the different abilities.  I don't want to make extra work for myself....but at the same time I don't want to give my kids an easy life - after all, they don't give me one! I [...]

Free Printable Bookmarks for Teachers Gifts

Free Printable Bookmarks for Teachers Gifts

The end of school is nigh! Well, just for the summer. Have you got teachers gifts sorted yet? We wanted to do something a bit different. We thought we would share with you one of the things we're giving to our teachers. The kids made these Bookmarks for their teachers. We made the outline on [...]

3 Valentine’s crafts for kids

3 Valentine’s crafts for kids

We have been doing lots of valentines day crafts and activities lately. We made cards by using pink and red hearts cut out of paper, green paper for the stems and card, glue and pens. You can write whatever message you want to. This was Freckled Face number 4's card to Daddy! The kids thought [...]

Easy Solar System Craft!

Easy Solar System Craft!

Freckled Face number 3 is learning about Space at school at the moment. She wanted to make something at home to take in to school. So we decided to do something to do with the solar system. Here's what we came up with.... WHAT WE USED 2 sheets of black A4 card Glue Glitter (silver) [...]

DIY Traffic Lights Craft for Kids

DIY Traffic Lights Craft for Kids

With October being Black History month, the kids have been learning about prominent people in history at school. Freckled Face number 2 has been learning about the person who invented the traffic lights; Garret Morgan. In 1923 he improved the old traffic lights, which just had 'stop' and 'go', and invented the 3-Way Traffic Lights that [...]

Fun Colour Sorting Activity for Young Kids

Fun Colour Sorting Activity for Young Kids

So Freckled Face number 4 is loving getting arty and crafty! This morning I really needed to clean the kitchen, so I set up a little activity for her, which she absolutely LOVED and cried when she had finished it! Haha I decided to write the colours on the paper because I wanted her to [...]