8 Best Things About Motherhood

8 Best Things About Motherhood

With Mothers Day coming up it's got me to thinking about my motherhood journey. It's been a bumpy journey, with ups and downs, but a journey that I am very happy to stay on and keep experiencing. I have learnt a lot, changed a lot, messed up lot and questioned what I'm doing...a lot! As [...]

Growing Up Means Adapting

Growing up means adapting.......I bet you're singing the song from Frozen 2 right now!? Good ol' Olaf! How wise he is. Today I stood and watched Freckled Face 1 walk off to school by himself. He went off so happy, and I mean SO happy. He could have at least pretended to be nervous or [...]

Advice For First Time School Parents

Having your children start school can be a bag of mixed emotions! Excited, anxious, proud, nervous, and maybe even relieved. That's just us parents! The kids are feeling that, and more. They're still trying to understand and figure out the whole emotions thing too.  So the whole starting school thing might not actually go as [...]

Kids Say the Funniest Things – Edition One!

Kids Say the Funniest Things – Edition One!

These are just a few of the things our 4 Freckled Faces have said over the years that have tickled us. Oh how I WISH I had remembered to write them all down! Which ones have you heard before too? Which one gets you laughing most?   Mum, if a cheetah gets old...will they need [...]

10 Fun Things To Take To The Beach

10 Fun Things To Take To The Beach

Beach days can be great....but let's be honest, any days with kids can be tough, no matter where you are.  However,  we have to make it the best we can - it's all about making memories right!? Here are a few ideas on how to make a Beach Day, with kids, as fun as possible for [...]

9 Stay at Home Date Night Ideas

9 Stay at Home Date Night Ideas

With or without lockdown sometimes it can be pretty tricky getting out and having some time together, as a couple, just the two of us... It is SO important to have that time though. Here are some ideas for shaking things up a bit and having an evening together at home, full of fun and [...]

35 Summer Bucket List Ideas for Kids

35 Summer Bucket List Ideas for Kids

We LOVE summer....but it does call for more entertainment needed, as the kids aren't in school. These are a list of ideas of activities that we enjoy doing in the Summer - in no particular order! 1. Visit a Park 2. Visit a Beach 3. Splash in a Stream 4. Leaf Rubbings 5. Water Flight [...]

The Pros and Cons of Motherhood

The Pros and Cons of Motherhood

Motherhood - there is so much I LOVE about it....but there are a lot of things about it that are so utterly naff! CONS Broken sleep. Personally I can deal with little sleep ok - but broken sleep....nope! It's a killer! Cold meals. I can't remember what it's like eating a hot or even warm [...]

Things To Expect When Expecting Your Kids To Get Ready For School In The Morning!

After the older 3 Freckled Faces being off school for 2 weeks, we are now getting back in to the School Run and a few things have stood out to me about our mornings. I thought I would share them in the hope it might make other mums feel a bit better and maybe even [...]