Stamptastic Christmas Wrapping fun!

Stamptastic Christmas Wrapping fun!

So.....I have a confession......please don't hate me or think less of me.......but......I really don't enjoy wrapping gifts! Like really REALLY don't like it. I usually leave it to my husband. Is that bad? A couple of months ago, Stamptastic reached out and offered us a stamp and ink pad to try out. Well...I said yes, [...]

8 Best Things About Motherhood

8 Best Things About Motherhood

With Mothers Day coming up it's got me to thinking about my motherhood journey. It's been a bumpy journey, with ups and downs, but a journey that I am very happy to stay on and keep experiencing. I have learnt a lot, changed a lot, messed up lot and questioned what I'm doing...a lot! As [...]

Easy Christmas Makes

Christmas time can be a very busy time of year, but despite the busy, hustle and bustle of it all, we like to get creative. Here are some of the things we made this year, throughout the Christmas Season. Chocolate and Peppermint Kisses Christmas Chocolate and Peppermint Kisses What's Christmas without a bit of baking [...]

Chocolate Peppermint Kisses

Freckled Face 2 loves being in the kitchen cooking and baking. One of her favourites at the moment are these Chocolate Peppermint Kisses. She wanted to share the recipe with you! These are really good for Christmas treats, but work all year round too! They are great for sharing with friends and family. Chocolate Peppermint [...]

Halloween without Trick or Treat

Halloween without Trick or Treat

Usually, we would spend our Halloween at a Trunk n Treat activity at church, with friends. Thanks to COVID19, this year, that wasn't allowed. So here is what we did instead. PAINTED PUMPKINS Which one is your favourite?? The kids really enjoyed doing these! They were limited to what they could chose to do, because [...]

8 Autumn Crafts for Children

8 Autumn Crafts for Children

Autumn is here! All the crispy and colourful leaves..... the fresh chilly air.... it's colder and darker....smell of pumpkins. For me, Autumn is all about the colours, the change in the trees, the change in the air, pumpkins, fireworks (good old Guy Fawkes!), fires and cosy-ness! Whilst getting cosy, and looking forward all the fun [...]

Advice For First Time School Parents

Having your children start school can be a bag of mixed emotions! Excited, anxious, proud, nervous, and maybe even relieved. That's just us parents! The kids are feeling that, and more. They're still trying to understand and figure out the whole emotions thing too.  So the whole starting school thing might not actually go as [...]

Back to School Prize Giveaway!

Back to School Prize Giveaway!

I can not quite believe that we are nearing the end of the summer holidays. We still have so much we want to do. In a couple of months all 4 of our freckled faces will be in full-time education!? That is CRAZY!? I don't know about you, but we will be making a list [...]

Kids Say the Funniest Things – Edition One!

Kids Say the Funniest Things – Edition One!

These are just a few of the things our 4 Freckled Faces have said over the years that have tickled us. Oh how I WISH I had remembered to write them all down! Which ones have you heard before too? Which one gets you laughing most?   Mum, if a cheetah gets old...will they need [...]

9 Stay at Home Date Night Ideas

9 Stay at Home Date Night Ideas

With or without lockdown sometimes it can be pretty tricky getting out and having some time together, as a couple, just the two of us... It is SO important to have that time though. Here are some ideas for shaking things up a bit and having an evening together at home, full of fun and [...]