How To Make A Volcano!

How To Make A Volcano!

There a few ways to make a volcano. All are fun, but this is super EASY! This was not a planned activity at all, it was a very last minute idea (which is why it doesn't look particularly great!), but it worked well and entertained the kids for a while! You will need A2 Paper [...]

Chocolate Peppermint Kisses

Freckled Face 2 loves being in the kitchen cooking and baking. One of her favourites at the moment are these Chocolate Peppermint Kisses. She wanted to share the recipe with you! These are really good for Christmas treats, but work all year round too! They are great for sharing with friends and family. Chocolate Peppermint [...]

Freckled Face Friday: How To Make A Peg Plane

Freckled Face Friday:  How To Make A Peg Plane

Hi everyone, it's Freckled Face number 1. The other day I had an idea of making an aeroplane from one of mum's wooden pegs. I had a lot of fun doing it and I was really happy with how it looked. You will need: A wooden peg Two lolly pop sticks Hot glue gun or [...]

4 Creative Ways To Wish Someone Happy Birthday!

Whilst we've been in lockdown, we've had a few birthdays in our extended family and friends. We also had one of our own. Have a look here to see how we celebrated. Here are some ideas for wishing people a birthday when you can't be with them in person. Create a personal picture message The [...]

10 Fun Activities To Do Around A Fire Pit

10 Fun Activities To Do Around A Fire Pit

We LOVE a Fire Pit! It's one of our favourite things to do. There is something about sitting outdoors, around a fire in the evening and spending time kinda helps me to reset. The only bad thing about is coming in and smelling of smoke! I will put up with it though, as the [...]

How to Make an Easy Autumn Wreath

How to Make an Easy Autumn Wreath

I LOVE Autumn, but I was never really a 'wreath' on the front door type person. Until now! I don't know what changed, but I now think a wreath on the door looks fab and needs to be done. Yes - NEEDS to be done! Being a tight (with money - I don't like spending [...]

Easy Solar System Craft!

Easy Solar System Craft!

Freckled Face number 3 is learning about Space at school at the moment. She wanted to make something at home to take in to school. So we decided to do something to do with the solar system. Here's what we came up with.... WHAT WE USED 2 sheets of black A4 card Glue Glitter (silver) [...]

Candy Cane Hearts

Candy Cane Hearts

Whilst this may not be the healthiest snack or treat.... it is a yummy one! What you will need Candy Cane (I used normal size here, but you can use the mini ones for bite size 😉) White chocolate (or whichever chocolate you would prefer) Sprinkles 2 baking trays Baking paper A bowl A spoon [...]