Christmas in Canada

Yet again Christmas is going to be different this year and plans have been cancelled due to Covid. As we tried to figure this years Christmas out, we couldn’t help but think of our Christmas in Canada. 2 years ago we were lucky enough to spend 2 and a half weeks in Canada with most of mum’s side of the family. It was EPIC!

We did so much and because there was snow, lights, lots of good food, and extended family, it felt very Christmassy! Nanna and Grandad own lots of land and we spent a lot of time playing on their land with sledges, snow mobiles and quadbikes.

We also went swimming, to West Edmonton Mall , Dog Rump Creek and to see a Drive Thru Christmas Light display, amongst other places. It was so fun! There was lots of laughing, excitement and picture/video taking. We are very lucky that we got to do it before Covid shut down the world.

While we were there we were also lucky enough to go see a live Nativity at Nanna and Grandad’s church. It was really big and had real life animals! It was nice to watch and remember the true meaning of Christmas.

New Years Eve celebrations were epic too! We went to the Heritage Centre and there was a BIG party! Live music, food, ice skating, sleigh rides, snowball fights, snowman building, and FIREWORKS! It was AWESOME!

It was a magical Christmas that we will never forget!

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